Of the map...

Of the map...

søndag den 30. maj 2010

It says "spring" in the calender but does the weather know that?

The weather is always a great conversation opener at the bus stop or at a social gathering where you know no one. And so, I thought it far enough to have my say on the spring weather here in Nuuk. It’s really rather strange that people talk about the weather so much because it’s really not that interesting to know about unless you in the middle of it and it frustrates you. None the less, I just want to point out to people that the spring weather up here is nothing like any other spring weather I’ve experienced so far.

Today for example it’s about +6 degrees Celsius and semi-cloudy. That’s how it usually is in the weekend. For some reason the weather up here is great in the weekdays and then Saturday comes and the weather sucks big time. This Wednesday we had +20 degrees Celsius and high sun, I was out grilling with my neighbour (who works at the same place I do), and we talk about redoing the grill-night this weekend and what happens? Yesterday everybody in Qinngorput (that’s where I live) lived in cloud made of thick fog and the temperature dropped to only +2 degrees. Today it’s cloudy and windy and not really grill-weather – but I bet that come Tuesday the weather will be great and warm and sunny...

I learnt, however, that although the Greenlanders aren’t normally flexible people they certainly are it when it comes to the weather. The other day when the sun was shining and everything was wonderful the office was more or less deserted apart from us silly Danes that stick to regular office hours. All the Greenlanders had gone out sailing. Even our Premier had gone out hunting seals with one of his friends and employee.

So the lesson for me to learn here is definitely not to don’t bother about office hours and start focusing on sun-hours

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